Whether we are serving at church by teaching the kids on Sunday morning, singing in the worship choir, or serving coffee and donuts, on the receiving end of that act of service are people–with names and faces, hearts and passions––tied together in spirit and moving towards Jesus. Serving is ultimately an outpouring, be it big or small, of love for God and love for one another. What if we challenged ourselves to see serving as a spiritual discipline through which God is shaping us? Serving then becomes so much more than an obligation or a task to check off the list. It becomes an opportunity for growth and an expression of God’s love in us.

Cedar Ridge has many serving opportunities, and you are encouraged to try a few areas that are of interest to you until you find a place that seems to be a good fit. We will provide you with all the support you need to get started. Feel free to contact the ministry leaders listed below to let us know how you would like to get involved.

The Bee Team

Learn about and care for our bee hives on the property: inspect, feed and care for the bee yard and equipment. No prior experience necessary–come and learn! Contact Matthew Dyer.

Cedar Ridge Kids

Assist or lead in non-teaching or teaching roles with nursery, preschool, or elementary groups* or be a host at the welcome desk. Contact Ruth Campbell.


Writers, photographers and artists are needed to support our community’s various communication initiatives. Contact Wesley Bolden.

Community Outreach

Help deliver farm vegetables to local organizations serving the hungry (seasonal: May-Oct) and/or volunteer to help with community outreach events. Contact  Tinica Mather.

The Farm


Join the team to plan operations, or lead teams to harvest, water, or weed on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings (seasonal: April-September). Contact Ruth Campbell.

Guatemala Team


Translate letters and cards from Guatemala from Spanish to English, or support the team with various local or Guatemala-related projects. Contact Matthew Dyer.

Middle & High School


Help make meals for a youth retreat, serve as a chaperone or driver for a youth event, * or help with communications.  Contact Trish Audi.

Music Team

We are looking for musicians of all ages who are worshippers first. If you are interested in getting involved as an instrumentalist or vocalist, contact Wesley Bolden

Congregational Care


Write cards or make a meal for those in need, visit people in the hospital, or join a group to pray for the needs of Cedar Ridge members. Contact Wesley Bolden.

Property Team


Work on various outdoor projects on a Saturday Morning Workday (every other Saturday), help with weekday facility or property tasks  (mow, repair, indoor or outdoor projects), or help remove snow and ice as part of snow removal team.  Contact Mark Hartley.

Racial Justicescreen-shot-2016-09-19-at-2-09-03-pm

Join a working group to learn about and take action regarding (i) inequity in public education, or (ii) racial bias in the justice system. Contact Matthew Dyer.



Audio/Visual Team

An image of the soundboard in the CRCC Auditorium

Get trained to operate the Sunday morning sound system or run media projection for services. Contact Wesley Bolden.

Sunday Morning Hospitality


Prepare coffee on Sunday mornings, greet people at the doors, or serve donuts and bagels. Contact Wesley Bolden.

Sunday Morning Set-up

Hands light a candle at a station like those set up during worship at CRCC

Prepare and serve communion elements, or help set up candles, and creative elements for the Sunday service. Contact Wesley Bolden.

* Application required

** “Audition” required

Interested in Getting Involved?