Updates and Information

In-Person Services
Sunday morning services are held in-person. The adult service is also live-streamed via zoom.

Monthly Makers Circle: Sunday, January 19, 11:30 a.m., in the barn

Are you an artist, crafter, or maker? Join us on Sunday, Jan. 19! This month, we’ll provide materials and short instruction, then have plenty of time to explore artistically and enjoy conversation with like-minded creatives. No project? No problem. We’ll have supplies for you to be creative. Meet in the bottom of the barn around 11:30 a.m. after church.

MLK Jr. Day Prayer Vigil: Monday, January 20, 7-8 p.m., in the auditorium

Join us as we honor and celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. through readings from his writings and speeches, with prayer, reflection, and silence. Together, we will take inspiration and courage from Dr. King and renew our commitment to justice on inauguration day.

Wrongly Convicted Man and Best-Selling Author Discuss “Bringing Ben Home”: Sunday, February 2, 11:30-1:30 p.m.

As part of our ongoing commitment to racial justice, our Criminal Justice Reform Group will host a discussion with Ben Spencer and Barbara Bradley Hagerty. Spencer was wrongly convicted of a 1987 murder in Texas and spent 34 years in prison. In her book Bringing Ben Home: A Murder, A Conviction, and The Fight to Redeem American Justice, former NPR correspondent and best-selling author Hagerty tells his gut-wrenching story. The book talk will be open to the community—in person and on Zoom. Pizza will be served, and childcare will be provided. Download the flyer here.

Book Group: Most Sundays, 8:45 a.m., room 203

Starting January 5, 2025, we will begin a study of Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope, by Esau McCaulley. The book offers a personal and scholarly testament to the power and hope of Black biblical interpretation. McCaulley argues that reading Scripture from the perspective of Black church tradition is invaluable for connecting with a rich faith history and addressing the urgent issues of our times. We meet most Sundays. For questions, or to confirm a specific Sunday, please contact Dave Martinsen (davidmartinsen@yahoo.com).

Donations Needed for Greencastle Elementary Families
Each month we collect supplies for families in need at Greencastle Elementary School. Usually we collect toiletries and cleaning items, but this month we have been asked to provide school suppplies. Please sign up online to donate. Donations can be left in the Commons on any Sunday, or any time in the bins outside the front doors of the main church building.


 Current Financial Summary
Week Actual Goal % Goal
December 22 $17,021 $28,770 59%
December 29 $40,887 $29,714 138%
January 5 $36,181 $28,770 126%
January 12 $7,860 $15,355 51%
YTD $315,032 $327,626 96%
*Our Fiscal Year is September 1 – August 31

Cedar Ridge Community Church is a diverse, open, and affirming community of followers of Jesus, sharing God’s love with everyone and working to make the world a better place for all. We invite you to join us on our journey of growing to be more loving people who recognize that change must begin with us.