Matthew Dyer - May 22, 2022

Step Forward with Courageous Hope

Next Steps

Today we wrap up our series with a message about hope. The videos discussed are here: Video 1: Video 2:

From Series: "Next Steps"

The events of Easter do not mark the end of Jesus’ work of bringing hope, love and healing to Earth. Rather, they launch a whole new chapter—one in which Jesus empowers his followers to do “even greater things” (John 14:12). The resurrection of Jesus transformed the first disciples from women and men hiding in fear behind locked doors, to a radical community that healed the sick and proclaimed the kingdom of God. In this four-week series, we will look at various stories from the book of Acts to explore ways in which these first church communities stepped out into an often hostile world with faith, hope, love and joy. And we will consider ways in which we too can venture beyond our comfort zone to engage in the life Jesus intended for us, “life to the full” (John 10:10).

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